It all began in 2006 when I bought a Cahier Moleskine notebook. After that, I began buying A5 and A6 and used them as my journal, notebook, sketchbook and diary. After more than years, I switched to other brands because I got bored with no innovative products. Now I am using the local Unicorn brand-good enough for a quarter of the price.
Yesterday, again I bought an A5 Moleskine notebook because its original price of RM99 dropped by 70%. It is a steal for me. I wanted to buy more but there was only one copy available.

These are now my favourite notebooks and their shapes and sizes.

Taking note and mind mapping

Journaling and minor sketches

Just Pen Sketches

Adding Colours for My September Journal

Therapy Notebook from Japan-based on Bullet Journal

Sketching Plants in My Garden

I love the Spot Grid Paper. I started Bullet Journal in August 2021

At times, I use squared paper for journal and sketching